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Ir su juo mums jokia sloga nebaisi. Šiai dienai mes namuose nebeturime jokių lašiuku ar purškikliu slogos simptomams mažinti, naudojame šį aliejuka visa šeima
If you want to feel fresh and full of energy all day this is the one to bring to the shower in the morning. The smell of the coffee and this refreshing cooling feeling after this scrub is just amazing. It really wakes me up in the morning.
Tikras stebuklas, mano mažajam sūnui padėjo apmazinti dermatita, pirma pagalba mažiems nudegimams, taip pat ji pasitelkiu kovai su giluminiais spuogais, dar nieko panašaus neesu tyrėjus ką btu galima panaudoti taip plačiai
I won it in Vilananaturalbeauty lottery, but wanted to try it long ago. So, the very first time I used it left me with a big smile. I have a blueish red hand skid. After first use the skin got this lovely pink colour and it felt like a silk. So would highly recommend it to any one. My kids use it to.